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About the Plunge

The “Icarian Plunge” is a pub­lished catalog of student art­work first introduced at Manchester High School in the late 2000s.


Recently having made a return in the 2020-21 school year, the Icarian Plunge is led by Art Teacher Hannah Burnworth and English Teacher Rhonda Snover, along with a committee of student volunteers.


Icarus was a young man who took risks. His father Daedalus fashioned wings of feather and wax so that the father and son could escape imprisonment on the island of Crete. Ignor­ing his father’s warn­ings, Icarus flew too close to the sun, melt­ing his waxwings, causing him to plunge in the Aedean Sea.


“Expression re­quires risk; the authors and artists herein have risked. Hence, the Icar­ian Plunge.”


In 2021, its first year returning, The Icarian Plunge was able to publish and sell two issues. Though the copies are no longer available for purchase, you can view them here on this site.

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